Hexes Fly

Hexes Fly by Jenny Schwartz - cover features painting of people dancing

Book 2

June 2025

Buy link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXN1LF23

The Spring Ball on the first Saturday of Caldryn Parliament’s Spring Term is a night of glamour and power.

However, this year the witch clans are feuding, and when rival clans trade curses in the ballroom non-magical bystanders are the victims.

As people transform into animals, burst into unwilling song, or fall into magical slumber Vanda Kavanagh, the Warden of Caldryn Parliament, is suspicious.

The witches claim they never intended to hurt anyone, and Vanda believes them. So, who is using the witches as a stalkinghorse for their own agenda, and what is it that they hope to achieve?

Most importantly, why can’t the witches undo their own hexes?

If the spells aren’t broken by the next full moon the curses will be permanent.

