Thanks for popping in for a visit. It feels a lot like you’ve dropped in for a cup of tea, and I’ve left you to wander in the garden while I jot down an idea before it escapes. For me, this website is a nice balance between being sociable as an author and losing myself in my writing. I’m glad you could join me.
It’s been a very stressful few days. Release weeks are, but launching a new series takes it to a whole new level. Thank goodness you loved Stars Die. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your reviews. Not only do they prompt Amazon to put the book in front of more readers like you, but they encourage me to keep writing. I cannot express how much your reviews mean. Thank you.
I’ve been reading I Ran Away to Evil by Mystic Neptune. It is as warmly comforting as a hug. To everyone who recommended it as cozy fantasy – you’re the best!
The Dragon’s Gambit (Book 1, The Underkeepers) by Hankthemoose wasn’t as cozy, but it is an enjoyable progression fantasy. I like scrappy heroes who strive to grow, but also remain loyal to their friends.
What have you been reading (apart from Stars Die, of course 😉 )?
If you’re interested in the state of the publishing industry, Jane Friedman has been reporting on it for years. I’m subscribed to her paid newsletter and love seeing it arrive in my inbox. It’s always full of fascinating trends, opinions, and happenings. However, she’s also starting a free version. I’m not sure of the details, so I recommend checking out her website.
Next week I hope to share a writing-related post. I have a topic in mind that’s been bothering me. LOL I’m generous like that. If it’s bothering me, I’ll share it with you 😉