Author’s working floor plan and position of Warden House in relation to other key locations.

Warden House is a Georgian-style home of three floors plus a basement and attic.
It would be dangerous to assume it is as innocuous as it appears.
Some Background
As a child, the wards around Warden House had always let Vanda in. She’d just had to ask. Her cousin Sloane had joined her a few times in the early years. Back then, Vanda had been naïve. She’d never considered that Sloane’s stated disdain for the house had been because she couldn’t coax the wards open.
No wards at Caldryn Parliament had ever kept Vanda out. Only good manners had. She’d respected rules and people’s privacy. As a child she’d tried so hard to be good, to be worthy of becoming a keeper and having Great-uncle Alexander mentor her.
And then, Evelyn had given that opportunity to Sloane. “Because people actually like Sloane. She will be an excellent Warden. You are a tactless child with an over-inflated opinion of your abilities.”