Caldryn Parliament is the secret project I’ve been working on for so long. Have a look around. Explore! I’ve built this website while thinking about the Realm—how it works, the people in it, and the mysteries to be revealed.
Stars Die is book 1. The ebook edition releases February 27 and is available for pre-order.
In 2025 my goal is to release the first three books in this magic parliament mystery series as ebooks. They will be available in Kindle Unlimited.
Audio and paperback editions are planned, but not my priority.
If 2024 taught me anything, it’s that I can’t do everything I want all at once. Audiobooks and paperbacks will happen after I’m happy with the first three ebooks (or if I manage to clone myself or learn to function without sleep).
One of the tasks I’m adding to my ever-growing to-do list is keeping this website up-to-date.
The idea for is for it to be a place where I can share ideas relating to the series. Some of the ideas will make it into books and short stories. Others will just live here.
I’m also going to use the blog as a place where we can chat. I know this plain blog set up is old-fashioned, but it works and I think I can manage it without being overwhelmed. So, we’ll give it a go. I’ll be opening up discussions about the world of Caldryn Parliament, but also about other books, writing, and the publishing industry.
P.S. I’ve just noticed that this new template puts the comments section at the VERY bottom of the page, so please scroll down to join the conversation.
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